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If you would like to publish or advertise in The Earth Scientist:
                             contact Peg Steffen 

The Earth Scientist
(TES)—peer-reviewed quarterly journal— 
of the National Earth Science Teachers Association [NESTA] distributed to NESTA Members:

  • All issues available electronically
    • Current Edition & ENTIRE Archive available with paid NESTA membership
    • Current edition available to Student Members
    • Sponsored Issues available to PUBLIC - OPEN ACCESS
 - Sponsored issues in print/mailed to members & digital
 - Articles provide exemplary, state of the art, tested, classroom activities
 - Science content relative to K-12 instruction of ESS Teachers

         What is happening in your classroom?

        Publish your ideas to assist fellow ESS teachers. 
Your colleagues are your audience!


The Earth Scientist Issue Archive

To access pdf select Season/Year link



Winter 2024  Upcoming Issue


Fall 2024  Upcoming Issue


Summer 2024 Upcoming Issue


Spring 2024  

  • (Guest Editorial) K-5 Students Need Data Literacy Experiences to be Ready for the Future by Kirsten Hunter-Thompson & Mike Jabot
  • NESTA Awards Presented in Denver During Spring 2024 NSTA Conference. by Missy Holzer
  • Incorporating NOAA/AMS Project Atmosphere Teacher Professional Development Course Module Data into the K-5 Science Classroom. by A. Klein, J. Grier & E. Mills
  • My Sky Tonight: Early Childhood Pathways to Astronomy. by Anna Hurst
  • Sand Slides  by D. Kast, A. Stellmann & D. Deck
  • How’s the Weather at Cottage Lane Elementary? by Jacob Tanenbaum
  • Oceans of Plastic, Data and Action by Tish Manning


  • What and Who is NESTA by Joe Monaco
  • Investigations in Environmental Science: The Role Bivalves Play in Sustaining Local Watersheds by A. Byers, E. Edmonson, J. Vonesh and G. Garman
  • Virtual Field Studies, Role Play Experiences and Simulations: The Role Bivalves Play in Sustaining Local Watersheds  by A. Byers, E. Edmonson, S. Kirk, J. Vonesh and G. Garman
  • When Zeus Turned Day into Night by Lou Mayo
  • Eyes in the Sky: Using Remote Sensing to Explore Climate Change Through the Polar Regions by M. Turrin, L. Zaima-Sheehy and M. Annunziato

    Fall 2023  

    • Traveling Through Time with Scientific Ocean Drilling by Maya Pincus
    • Using Free Online Tools to Help Visualize the Physics of Waves for your Students by George Bartuska
    • Astrobiology: Bringing the Search for Aliens to Elementary Classrooms by M. Yanez, J. Stellman, D. LaRowe, J. Amend & D. Kast
    • Physical Block Models as a Teaching Resource for Illustrating Basic Geological Concepts by E. Pardo-Iguizuiza, P. Dowd & M. Guerrero Martín
    • Thinking Outside the Box of Rocks by Trudi Lord & Amy Pallant

     Summer 2023 TES

    Summer 2023  

    • Lidar: Lasers, Airplanes and Drones! by Galen Scott
    • EARTH SCIENCE WEEK 2023: Celebrating Innovations in the Geosciences by Lindsay C. Mossa, Lauren E. Brase, Edward C. Robeck
    • Unwelcome Guests: Combating Aquatic Invasive Species through Education, Habitat Conservation and Restoration by Spencer Cody
    • Planting Roots in our Community: Leaving a Legacy Behind by Julie Houck
    • Young Stewards Promoting Border Resiliency by Jennifer Ramos-Chavez
    • Modeling Marine Ecosystems with Virtual Reality by Randy Russell
    • A Tiny Forest as an Outdoor Classroom and a Place for Hope by Patrick Walsh

        • Spring 2023  
        • Advocates for Change by Amy Durham Shea
        • Floating Wetlands for the Future by Deanna Orr
        • Clean Up Crew: Empowering Future Changemakers by Kelley Hodges
        • Beaumont Rain and Butterfly Garden by Patrick Goff and Kyla Trahan
        • Keepers of Turtle Islands by Amelia Cook
        • Seminole High School Landscape Architectural Project by Jerry Cantrell 


        Winter 2022

        • Trends and Consequences: The Futures Wheel by Peg Steffen

        • NESTA Awards Presented in Atlanta During Spring 2023 NSTA Conference  by Richard Jones

        • Explore Real Astronomy Data with Vera C. Rubin Observatory by Ardis Herrold (Vera C. Rubin Observatory)

        • A New Take on the Water Cycle by Charlotte Rigs, et. al. (USGS)

                                Fall 2022

                                • Using a Globe to Help Teach and Understand Orbits of Space Satellites by Dr. George Bartuska
                                • The ESPRIT Listserv: Thirty Years of an Online Professional Learning Community And Still Going by James Ebert, PhD.
                                • A Novel Use of Physical Models to Investigate Water Movement and Flooding by Lindsay C. Mossa, Lauren E. Brase and Edward C. Robeck American Geosciences Institute (AGI)
                                • What Can Dendroarcheology Tell Us about City and Natural History? : by Dr. Michael Passow, Earth2Class
                                • “Torn Pieces of a Newspaper”: A Bridge to Wegener’s Big Idea and the Nature of Science: by Christopher Roemmele, Ph.D., Steven Smith &  Sarah Nern

                                  •  Summer 2022  
                                    • Increasing Biodiversity By Replacing Lawn With Prairie Plants by Stephanie Baldwin
                                    • Watershed Studies and Restoration by Amy Brown
                                    • Carbon Sequestration Through Ponderosa Pine Reforestation by John Fegyveresi, PhD.
                                    • Gardening for Carbon Sequestration by John Herrington
                                    • Water and Climate Stewards of San Diego Bay by Sandra Lebrón
                                    • Environmental Stewardship on St. Paul Island, Alaska by Veronica Padula

                                      Spring 2022

                                      • What is in a Logo? The story behind NESTA’s New Logo by John-Henry Cottrell
                                      • NESTA NUGGETS - Teaching Topographic Maps and Topographic Profiles by  Richard M. Jones
                                      • Using Block Coding to model GPS motion, land deformation and earthquake risk by Christopher Lore, Stephanie Seevers
                                      • TSUNAMI STORIES: Connecting Indigenous Tsunami Oral Histories with Current Tsunami Scientific Understanding and Safety by Sarah Glancy
                                      • Using Drones to Teach Modern Earth Science by Timothy F. Slater, Curtis N. Biggs


                                      Winter 2021

                                      • Its Elementary: Empowering students of color to pursue STEM careers during the pandemic by Emma Case, Dieuwertje “DJ” Kast, Ed.D.
                                      • NESTA NUGGETS - Energy Transfer by Tom Ervin
                                      • Engaging students in climate change science using a place-based 5E mini-unit on glacial evidence by Dr. Rondi Davies, Jessica Wolk-Stanley,  Vicky Yuan, Dr. Julie Contino, Amer
                                      • The Rock Cycle Revisited by Dr. James Ebert
                                      • Expand the Focus on Your Community with Environmental History Trail Signs by Dr. Michael J. Passow

                                      Fall 2021 

                                      • Sharon M. Stroud – NESTA Science Educator - Memoriam by NESTA  
                                      • What’s in Your Water? by Peg Steffen
                                      • Geoscientists Help Save Lives Globally by Katie Burk, Pallavi Bharadwaj
                                      • Take an Immersive Dive into America’s Underwater Parks—Your National Marine Sanctuaries  by Claire Fackler, Tracy Hajduk
                                      • Monitoring Freshwater Resources from Space  by Dorian Janney
                                      • The Great Pacific Garbage Patch: Plastic in the Ocean by James T. McDonald
                                      • Too much or too little: Empowering Students to Plan for Flooding and Drought Resiliency by Katya A. Schloesser, Josh Kurz, Anne U. Gold 

                                      Summer 2021 

                                      • Howard Thomas Dimmick – NESTA Science Educator - Memoriam by NESTA  
                                      • Rock On! Creative Ways to Introduce Elementary School Students to the Rock Cycle using Starbursts by Rita Barakat, Angelina Crittenden, Dieuwertje Kast & Translations by Jasmin Sanchez
                                      • Place-Based Educational Activities Inspired by the Socorro Magma Body  by Hope Cahill
                                      • Real-Time Investigations Using Student Devices  by Dr. Donna Governor
                                      • Using Augmented Reality for Geoscience Education in Low‑income Elementary Schools  by Jessica Stellmann and Dieuwertje Kast; Contributor: Diego Porqueras
                                      • The ‘All Powerful’ Fieldwork Teaching Strategy – and Other Innovative Earthlearningidea Approaches  by Chris King, Peter Kennett, Elizabeth Devon
                                      • Using Modeling to Teach Earth Science Concepts   by James T. McDonald
                                      • Air Quality for All Students: Get Started Teaching Air Quality Topics in Your Classroom  by Elizabeth Spike 

                                      Spring 2021  

                                      • It’s Elementary! Earth Day at Cottage Lane: A Local, Affordable, Outdoor‑Education-Day Model for Your School or Setting by Jacob Tanenbaum, Janet Fenton, Carol Knudson, Nicole Laible, Brianna Rosamilia, Margie Turrin, Laurel Zaima
                                      • It’s Elementary! Refuse Plastic: Save the Seas by Tish Manning
                                      • Runaway Carbon Cycle: Reducing Carbon Emissions through Understanding and Action by Spencer Cody
                                      • Leveraging Student Interest and Community Partnerships to Drive Learning in Meaningful Watershed Educational Experiences by Holly Hereau
                                      • The Great Water Design Challenge: A NOAA Planet Stewards and Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy (IMSA) Collaboration by Liz Martinez
                                      • Measuring Carbon Sequestration by Shannon Othus-Gault
                                      • A Deep Sense of Hope: Engaging Students in Coral Restoration by Matt Strand, Ph.D., Derek Hagen
                                      • Examining Experiential Learning Impacts on Student Understanding and Skill Building through the Watershed Flood Modeling Project by Beth Szijarto




                                      Winter 2020

                                      • It’s Elementary! by Peg Steffen
                                      • EON-ROSE Community Science Liaison Program; Inspired by EarthScope Education and Outreach Programs by Katherine J.E. Boggs, Kevin O’Connor, Robert (Bob) Sharp, Jonathan M. Withey, Marina C. Clark, David W. Eaton, Jason C. Droboth, Michael Craymer, Annika Trimble, Jeffrey T. Freymueller, Nathanial Scherger, Diana Kurila
                                      • Shake and Break! Earthquake Challenge  by Jayma Koval, Marion Usselman, Mike Ryan
                                      • Do Your Students Even Like Earth Science? How Knowing that Information Can Benefit Your Teaching by James T. McDonald
                                      • Fostering International and National Support for Geoscience Education by Dr. Michael J. Passow
                                      • Golden Record – an Integrated STEAM Project by David Rosengrant 
                                      Fall 2020 
                                      • Earth Materials in the Spotlight by Geoff Camphire
                                      • The Origins build-a-MEL: Introducing a Scaffold to Explore the Origins of the Universe by Janelle Bailey, Timothy Klavon, and Archana Dobaria
                                      • Climate Changes of the Past: Engaging in Evidence-Based Argumentation by Donna Governor, Kristina Strickland, and Janelle Bailey
                                      • Freshwater Resources: The Challenges of Quantity and Quality by Missy Holzer, Christopher Roemmele, and Janelle Bailey
                                      • Extreme Weather Events and the Climate Crisis: What is the Connection?  by Doug Lombardi, Büsra Uslu, and Janelle Bailey
                                      • Assessing and Applying Students’ Understanding of the Scientific Practices and Crosscutting Concepts by Christopher Roemmele, Missy Holzer, and Janelle Bailey
                                      • Teaching Earth and Environmental Science using Model-Evidence Link Diagrams by Erin Colfax, Ananya Matewos, and Janelle Bailey
                                        Spring 2020
                                      • It’s Elementary: Zika Zine: A Resource Promoting the Integration of STEAM and Literacy in the Classroom by Rusty Low, Ph.D.,
                                      • Today’s Technology: Reach for the Stars: Elementary School Students make History in Contacting the International Space Station  by Rita Barakat and Dieuwertje Kast
                                      • Earth Science All Around: Using Immersive Virtual Field Trips with Place‑Based Instruction in Earth and Space Science Education by Ed Robeck, Aida Awad, Steve Semken, Cheryl Manning, Melinda Daniels, Adam Blankenbicker
                                      • GLOBE Weather: A New Curriculum Unit for Middle School Uniting the GLOBE Program with Classroom Instruction to Meet Next Generation Science Standards by Lisa S. Gardiner, John Ristvey, Becca Hatheway, Melissa Rummel, Emily Snode-Brenneman, and Renee Curry Minaya
                                      • Soil: More than the Dirt under Your Feet! by Margaret Holzer, Ashlee Dere, David Lindbo, Clay Robinson, Tracy Wilson,, Briana Wyatt, Carol Engelmann
                                      • Enhancing a Connection to Place: Recognizing Indigenous Culture in a Western Science Activity  by Kathleen Torso, Anne Kern
                                      • Shifting Plates, Shifting Minds: Plate Tectonics Models Designed for Classrooms s by Amy Pallant, Scott McDonald, Hee-Sun Lee


                                      Fall 2019

                                      • Teach Earth Science with American Museum of Natural History Dioramas
                                        by Michael Passow
                                      • Engaging Students in First- and Second‑hand Geoscience Data Exploration to Deepen Their Understanding of the Nature of Science by Donna Kertis and Christopher Roemmele
                                      • Literacy is from Mars: Using The Martian to Enrich Scientific Literacy Skills by Jennifer Ayers and Diane Willard
                                          Spring 2019  
                                        • The NOAA Planet Stewards Book Club by Peg Steffen
                                        • NOAA’s Ocean Guardian School Program: Protecting Our Ocean One School at a Time by Seaberry Nachbar
                                        • Student Leadership and Climate Literacy by Jessica Lura
                                        • Photovoice for Children’s Climate Change Engagement: Using Digital Photography to Bridge Knowledge and Action by Carlie Trott
                                        • Recycling at School: An Action Project  by Kottie Christie-Blick
                                        • Marine Debris Tools for Educators: Making the Connection Between Us and Debris by Krista Stegemann
                                        • Ecosystem Pen Pals: Connecting Indigenous Fishing Communities through National Marine Sanctuaries by Nicole Harris and Karen Matsumoto
                                        • Ocean/Climate Literacy, and Action at Hale Kula and Beyond by Richard Jones
                                        • The Northeast Michigan Great Lakes Stewardship Initiative (NEMIGLSI) by Sarah Waters and Brandon Schroeder
                                        • Your Students Can Contribute to Our Understanding of the World by John McLaughlin and June Teisan
                                          Winter 2019
                                          • It's Elementary: Sand Slides by Dieuwertje Kast, Rita Barakat, and Dena Deck
                                          • Twitter in the Classroom?  by John-Henry Cottrell
                                          • Arctic Happenings – Global Impacts of the Melting Greenland Ice Sheet and Melting Sea Ice by Margaret Holzer and Asa Rennermalm
                                          • Where is This Chunk of Earth Moving? Using the Positional Technologies of Geodesy to Explore Science by Shelley Olds and Donna Charlevoix
                                          • Phenomena-Based Student Investigations with NASA Earth Observations by Liz Burck and Cassie Soeffing

                                          2017 - 2018

                                          • Elementary GLOBE: Combining Literacy and Science Practices by Jessica Taylor
                                          • Contribute to NASA Science and Understanding of Earth through GLOBE Observer!
                                          • Seafloor Mapping at Your Fingertips: Setting Sail on Sonar Education with an Interactive Exhibit by Brian Boston, Samuel Howell, Jonathan Sleeper, Alyssa Anderson, Marissa Cameron, Telma Sigurdardottir, Jonathan Tree, Harrison Togia, Bridget Smith-Konter, Gregory F. Moore
                                          • Bad Moon Rising: Helping to Shine Light on the Mathematics of the Percent of Moon Illumination  by Julie Herron and Lisa Brown
                                          • Ol’ Man River Speaks: The Hackensack Past Present, and Future by Michael Passow
                                          • A Web-based Socioscientific Inquiry Unit to Help College Students Learn About Fracking 
                                            by William Romine

                                          Back To School 2017

                                          • Simulating an Oil Spill to Understand Environmental Impact by Carla McAuliffe
                                          • Penn Dixie Site: A Classroom for Teaching the Geologic History of Western New York  by Paul Caban
                                          • EARTH SCIENCE WEEK 2017 Celebrating Two Decades  by Geoff Camphire
                                          • An Earth Hazards Approach to Implementing GIS with Middle School Students through a University-School Partnership by Karen S. McNeal, John Cartwright, Sarah Radencic Lalk, Donna Pierce, and Darrel Schmitz
                                          • High-Adventure Science: Exploring evidence, models, and uncertainty related to questions facing scientists today  by Amy Pallant


                                            Fall 2016
                                          • Critical Zone Science and Observatories and Related Education and Outreach Activities and Resources by Dr. Tim White and Dr. Don Duggan-Haas
                                          • International Cooperation in Critical Zone Science and Education by Dr. Manoj Menon and Dr. Tim White
                                          • Critical Zone Science, Interdisciplinarity and the NGSS by Dr. Don Duggan-Haas
                                          • Drought in the Critical Zone: Engaging Students in Authentic Inquiry Through Data Jam  by Steven McGee and Noelia Báez Rodriquez
                                          • Earth Science Processes in the Critical Zone: An Introductory Course Designed for Teachers  by Dr. Tim White
                                          • Learning from the "Deep Changes in the Land": The Critical Zone Perspective in Environmental Science Education  by Katherine O'Neill and Daniel Richter
                                          • Using Scientist-Teacher Partnerships to Create Student-Driven Environmental Field Research Experiences in Primary and Secondary Education Classrooms by Michelle Gilmore, Erin Stacy, Matthew Meadows, and Lynn Sullivan
                                          • Monarchs and the Critical Zone: A New Spin on the Study of Butterflies  by Kyla Cook, Maggie Augustinsky, Abby Dye, Jenny Flowers, and Steven McGee

                                          Back To School 2016

                                          • Our Shared Geoheritage: Celebrate Earth Science Week 2016 by Geoff Camphire
                                          • Earth Science Units from Engineering is Elementary, Museum of Science Boston by Carla McAuliffe
                                          • Using Citizen Science Picture Post Project for Schoolyard Environmental Monitoring by Kimberly Bowen and Laura Guertin
                                          • Science Teaching for Ohio's New Economy (STONE): A Geoscience Workforce Development Collaboration Between K-12 schools, Higher Education, Industry and Government by William Slattery, Suzanne Lunsford, and Alfred Diedrick
                                          Summer 2016 
                                          • Beyond the Controversy: Instructional Scaffolds to Promote Critical Evaluation and Understanding of Earth Science by Doug Lombardi
                                          • Understanding the Formation of the Earth's Moon by Janelle M. Bailey, Christine M. Girtain, and Doug Lombardi
                                          • Wetlands: Good or Bad? Evaluating Competing Models with a MEL Diagram by Margaret A. Holzer, Doug Lombardi, and Janelle M. Bailey
                                          • Evaluating the Connections Between Fracking and Earthquakes by Jenelle Hopkins, Petya Crones, Shondricka Burrell, Janelle M. Bailey, and Doug Lombardi
                                          • Assessing Students' Evaluation on the Model-Evidence Link Diagram by Elliot S. Bickel and Doug Lombardi
                                          Spring 2016   
                                          • It's Elementary−Digital Storytelling: Creative Applications of Science Content in Grades K-5 Using NOAA Resources by Peg Steffen
                                          • Empowering Young Women Through Climate Stewardship: A Lesson about Earth's Changing Albedo by Natalie Macke, Samyukta Mahendra Kumar, Brittany Hudson, Ako Matsumura, and Sahiba Sikand
                                          • Carbon Footprints, Carbon Sinks, and Carbon Stewardship: A Partnership Between Informal Educators and Classroom Teachers by Krysta Hougen and Jaime Bunting
                                          • Student Anti-Idling Campaign: Service Learning in Deed by Dale S. Glass
                                          • The Polar Bear Challenge: Local Impact on a Global Issue  by Christine Schmitz
                                          • The Biggest Reducer: A Lesson in Waste Reduction by Brandon Smith
                                          • Biochar for Carbon Sequestration: Investigation and Outreach by Karen Metcalf


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