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Advertising Through NESTA

Advertising in The Earth Scientist


We accept the following formats: high-res PDF, TIFF or high-res JPEG. Files must have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Ads can be in color.

Advertising Rates

    • Full-page (7.5” w x 10” h) $500
    • Half-page (7.25” w x 4.75” h) $250
    • Quarter-page (3.625” w x 4.75” h) $125
    • Eighth-page (3.625” w x 2.375” h) $75

Submission Deadlines for Advertisements in The Earth Scientist

Advertisers advised to submit ads well in advance of dates below, to ensure any problems are addressed prior to issue preparation.
TES Editor responsible for decisions regarding appropriateness of advertisements

    • Spring Issue: submission deadline - January 15, mailed to members - March 1
    • Summer Issue: submission deadline - April 15, mailed to members - June 1
    • Fall Issue: submission deadline - July 15, mailed to members - September 1
    • Winter Issue: submission deadline - October 31, mailed to members - January 1

Further information about advertising in The Earth Scientist contact Peg Steffen, Editor

Advertising in NESTA E-News

Place announcements in our monthly newsletter, which reaches ESS educators across the US

 For further information about advertising in NESTA ENews, contact Richard Jones, NESTA President

Banner Advertising on Windows to the Universe Website

We offer a limited number of prominent, above-the-fold banner advertising opportunities on the Windows to the Universe website

 American Meteorological Society Logo

  NOAA logo

American Geosciences Institute logo

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