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We are a Community of volunteer ESS teachers advocating K-12+ passion for ESS;
member-run, nonprofit educational organization

Your membership & donations fund programs, professional development workshops, webinars & advocating for ESS

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The many benefits of NESTA membership:

  • The Earth ScientistPeer-reviewed quarterly journal
  • E-News—informed NESTA events, teacher & student opportunities, (fellowships, grants, 
  •                    contests, awards, and more) along with current issues in Earth Science research
  • Quality professional development teaching resources
  • Community of ESS teachersConnect, share ideas & support

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Join community of teachers, professors & professionalsadvocating ESS & quality, researched professional development

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We cherish your dedication towards ESS & NESTA communityteachers, professors & professionals advocating for ESS

Renew your membership**—$40/year
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**requires login. Instructions here

Other Membership

Supporting—$100 - $249/year
Sustaining—$250/year and up
Library (TES in print only)—$70/yr

Free Student Membership!

Undergraduate / Graduate students—future ESS teachers / scientists—TWO sequential years Free membership 

(form required to prove student status)

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Welcome to NESTA!

Access special capabilities & services on NESTA's ESS Education website

with Different reading levels & Languages

only $15/year for NESTA members (50% non-NESTA ). More details—Educator Membership Benefits 

Donate—ESS Advocacy

Your support is vital:
Advocate ESS prominence & importance for ALL students
Cultivate ESS Teachers —instructing decision makers of tomorrow
Earth stewardship & policy making

You make a difference"pay forward"

Advocate ESS Prominence

Geoscience profession employment numbers increasing, though ESS major declarations decrease. 
The Lead Cause?
Less ESS class availability in K-12 
with enthused qualified teachers equals less K-12 Students
 likely to pursue ESS majors & professions

Equity in ESS

Inner cities & minority students less likely to receive ESS education & ESS role models leading to a growing disparity of minorities in the space & geosciences

Cultivate ESS Teachers

K-12 classroomincreasingly important providing authentic learning experiences to develop ESS literacy

Earth Stewardship

Resource management, climate change, water management, pollution control, earthquake mitigationcitizenry understanding of  complex topics is inadequate


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